Here are my bookish resolutions for this year!
I resolve to...
Read 75 books total. Considering I read 148 books this year I don't think this
will be a challenge.
I resolve to...
Read 3 books over 500 pages. This might be a bit difficult since I get bored
I resolve to...
Re-read 5 books. I rarely reread books, but I don't think this will be too hard.
I resolve to...
Read 3 classics outside of class. I've only ever read one classic outside of class,
but I don't think three books will be a challenge.
I resolve to...
Read at least 1 nonfiction books every 2 months. Nonfiction is not my thing
so I figured I should push myself more.
I resolve to...
Complete the 2015 reading challenge. Err, not sure about this one.
I resolve to...
Read 75 books total. Considering I read 148 books this year I don't think this
will be a challenge.
I resolve to...
Read 3 books over 500 pages. This might be a bit difficult since I get bored
I resolve to...
Re-read 5 books. I rarely reread books, but I don't think this will be too hard.
I resolve to...
Read 3 classics outside of class. I've only ever read one classic outside of class,
but I don't think three books will be a challenge.
I resolve to...
Read at least 1 nonfiction books every 2 months. Nonfiction is not my thing
so I figured I should push myself more.
I resolve to...
Complete the 2015 reading challenge. Err, not sure about this one.
Hopefully I'll be able to check all of these off!
I like your resolutions. Hopefully 2015 will be a fabulous reading year!